Scorpio Compatibility - Best and Worst Matches with Chart Percentages (2025)

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Like everything else about this sign, Scorpio compatibility is complicated. Scorpio has a reputation for being sexy and passionate, but this reputation can be rather misleading.

This zodiac sign is intense, and often, this intensity can turn into a passion. While Scorpio does enjoy sex, as do all of the other signs, the best Scorpio matches are ones they can connect with on an emotional and spiritual level. Indeed, physical intimacy means nothing to this sign without emotional intimacy.

When reading this article, keep in mind that this is about those whose Sun is in Scorpio. While Sun Signs are important, they are not everything, and no one is just their Sun Sign.

Scorpio Compatibility Chart

Below you will find a chart with Scorpio’s compatibility with each sign.

These Scorpio compatibility percentages are based on the relationship between each sign along the zodiac wheel. The four areas of compatibility are Overall, Sex, Love & Marriage, and Communication.

Scorpio Compatibility - Best and Worst Matches with Chart Percentages (1)

Read more: Scorpio Friendship Compatibility with Charts

Our recommended gift: These 14k gold plated zodiac birthstone pendant necklaces would make a beautiful gift (available for all zodiac signs).

Scorpio Compatibility - Best and Worst Matches with Chart Percentages (2)

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Best Scorpio Matches

Scorpio’s best matches are Pisces, Capricorn, and Cancer, closely followed by Taurus and Virgo. Scorpio is an intense zodiac sign and is capable of a deep and lasting relationship with these parings.


Scorpio Compatibility - Best and Worst Matches with Chart Percentages (3)

Pisces is considered one of the best Scorpio matches. As Water Signs, they are highly sensitive and can bond at an intense level.

These two understand each other intuitively, and at times, they may even seem to be communicating telepathically.

Yet, even though there are compatible on many levels, they have some important differences that help them balance and complement each other.

Scorpio is more intense and worldly, while Pisces is softer and more easy-going. Scorpio is also far more driven, and Pisces is much more flexible.

Regardless of the gender of the two signs in the relationship, the Scorpio partner often assumes the more dominant and protective role in the relationship. In turn, Pisces softens Scorpio and soothes the powerful emotions of this sign.

Together, Pisces and Scorpio are very compatible in a long-term relationship.

Learn more:

Scorpio Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility

Scorpio Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility


Scorpio Compatibility - Best and Worst Matches with Chart Percentages (4)

In most relationships, Scorpio men and women will be the dominant partner. Yet, with Capricorn, a Scorpio native will have met their match. The relationship between Scorpio and Capricorn will be one of equals.

From the outside, Scorpio and Capricorn can look very similar, but they are driven and extremely hard working.

Both of these signs also have the ability to rise from their circumstances and focus on long-term goals rather than short-term results. Scorpio and Capricorn are compatible on a profound level.

Yet, there are important differences between these signs that allow them to balance each other.

The primary difference is that Capricorn is an Earth Sign, while Scorpio is a Water Sign. Thus, Capricorn can help steady the turbulent emotions of Scorpio, while Scorpio can soften Capricorn’s ambition.

Overall, Capricorn is a good Scorpio match as friends or lovers.

Learn more:

Scorpio Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility

Scorpio Woman and Capricorn Man Compatibility


Scorpio Compatibility - Best and Worst Matches with Chart Percentages (5)

Cancer and Scorpio are very compatible on an emotional level. Being a Water Sign, Cancer shares the emotional intensity of Scorpio as well as the capacity to bond at a deep level.

Cancer is also the archetypal caregiver and is highly domestic.

In theory, the relationship between Scorpio and Cancer should be as harmonious as the one between Scorpio and Pisces. Indeed, on a practical level, Cancer natives can be a valuable partner to Scorpio by freeing Scorpio from domestic duties to focus on their career.

Yet, Cancer has more of a temper than Pisces does, and there are times when the claws of the Cancer crab meet the sting of the scorpion.

Also, traditional gender roles can be tricky with this pair, especially if Cancer is the man. If they can work out the labor division between them without outside interference, they should be fine.

Yet, the extended family, particularly his mother, may cause problems, especially if she is critical of the lack of domesticity in the Scorpio woman.

Learn more:

Scorpio Man and Cancer Woman Compatibility

Scorpio Woman and Cancer Man Compatibility


Scorpio Compatibility - Best and Worst Matches with Chart Percentages (6)

Being opposite on the zodiac wheel, Taurus is an excellent Scorpio match. In astrology, opposite signs are not completely different from each other. One way to understand this is to think of them as opposite signs of the same coin.

For example, Taurus and Scorpio both have a reputation for being excellent lovers, yet, there is a difference in the way they think about sex.

Taurus is very physical and focuses on pleasure and sensuality, while Scorpio is very passionate and focuses on emotional intimacy and depth. This makes for a potent combination in the bedroom.

Another similarity is the stability and determination of both of these signs, which often crosses the border into stubbornness.

Indeed, neither of these two can out-stubborn the other, which creates certain equality between them. This also allows Taurus to be an anchor for Scorpio and for Scorpio to motivate Taurus.

Learn more:

Scorpio Man and Taurus Woman Compatibility

Scorpio Woman and Taurus Man Compatibility

Worst Matches

Scorpio’s worst matches are Gemini, Sagittarius, and Libra. These are the least compatible zodiac signs with Scorpio and are often plagued by excessive conflict.


Scorpio Compatibility - Best and Worst Matches with Chart Percentages (7)

As discussed above, opposite signs in astrology often have some traits in common.

It is the signs adjacent to each other that have nothing in common, although there are a few exceptions. Scorpio and Sagittarius are not among the exceptions.

Scorpio’s deepest desires are depth and intimacy, and Sagittarius needs freedom above all else.

It is easy to see how the needs and desires of these signs are incompatible with each other. These differences will be challenging to negotiate or resolve.

Scorpio will never be satisfied with the level of intimacy that Sagittarius will be able to tolerate, and Sagittarius will feel smothered by Scorpio’s need for depth.

One of the saving graces of this pairing is that they will know their differences early on, and in most cases, they will never get together in the first place.

Learn more:

Scorpio Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

Scorpio Woman and Sagittarius Man Compatibility


Scorpio Compatibility - Best and Worst Matches with Chart Percentages (8)

One of the worst matches for Scorpio is Gemini. While the difficulties between these two opposite signs concern the larger issues in the relationship, Scorpio and Gemini fall apart on the little things.

Communication between Scorpio and Gemini is particularly problematic.

When a Scorpio native has a conversation, they like to discuss a subject in depth. They can stay on one topic of conversation for hours, or even days, if they have the chance.

In contrast, Gemini flits from subject to subject in an almost random matter. When these signs try to talk to each other, Gemini is bored with a topic before Scorpio has even had a satisfactory introduction.

While this could be a minor annoyance, these signs cannot comprehend the other’s perspective.

To Gemini, Scorpio is obsessive, and to Scorpio, Gemini is shallow. Furthermore, the Gemini tendency to flirt will often invoke the jealousy of Scorpio.

These signs tend to bring out the worst in each other.

Learn more:

Scorpio Man and Gemini Woman Compatibility

Scorpio Woman and Gemini Man Compatibility


Scorpio Compatibility - Best and Worst Matches with Chart Percentages (9)

Scorpio’s other neighbor in the zodiac is Libra, and relationships between Scorpio and Libra are also problematic.

Indeed, a relationship with Scorpio may be the most volatile pairing that is possible for diplomatic Libra.

The problems between Scorpio and Libra come from their very different values. For Libra, there is nothing more important than social harmony, including honesty. Libra has absolutely no trouble with telling a “little white lie” to avoid conflict or unpleasantness.

For Scorpio, depth and transparency are critical. For this sign, lies, even “little white” ones, are often seen as betrayals.

While Scorpio will not be rude for the sake of rudeness, this sign is not afraid to uncover or speak embarrassing truths when the situation calls for it, even in public. Such behavior will completely mortify Libra.

Learn more:

Scorpio Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

Scorpio Woman and Libra Man Compatibility

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Scorpio Man

It takes a lot to break through a Scorpio man’s defenses and get at the souls underneath, but generous Pisces and caring Cancer can do it, making them an excellent match for Scorpio.

The earth signs Capricorn, and to a lesser extent, Taurus and Virgo also create an atmosphere for trust, which allows a Scorpio man to open up and share himself.

When it comes to long-term love, Scorpio men are happiest with Pisces, Capricorn, and Cancer, who give them the courage to make a long-term commitment.

These signs also give them the courage to go all out in the bedroom, so they tend to make great sexual partners.

When it comes to good conversation, Scorpio men like Capricorn and Virgo also like to talk through things pragmatically without getting overly emotional.

Scorpio Woman

Scorpio women tend to play their cards close to the chest, so they need someone who can open up first. For this reason, fellow water signs Pisces and Cancer are very compatible with Scorpio.

Scorpio women also tend to like the consistency Capricorn offers, which makes them a great marriage match for her, alongside Pisces and Cancer.

In the bedroom, Scorpio women like to feel grounded and appreciated. They tend to find this most in Taurus and Capricorn partners.

The deeply connected sex they have with Cancer and Pisces is good but can also be a little scary.

While highly emotional, Scorpio women don’t like it when others pry into their feelings. They prefer to speak to Capricorn and Virgo, who are happy to keep things “matter of fact”.

Summary of Scorpio compatibility

The best matches for Scorpio are Pisces, Capricorn, and Cancer. The least compatible signs with Scorpio are Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libra.

While Scorpio compatibility by zodiac sign can be a useful tool in analyzing relationship potential, there are other factors to consider.

Some of the most important factors as to whether a relationship is successful are the partners’ commitment and their willingness to work through difficulties.

This is true of all signs, but it is especially true of Scorpio. This sign is known to work through problems that would seem insurmountable to others.

This sign is also known to sever a relationship completely and fully because of a real or perceived betrayal.

It is wise never to underestimate the impact of this sign’s strength in any astrological analysis.

Scorpio Compatibility - Best and Worst Matches with Chart Percentages (2025)
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