2010 Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Final Episode - The Day Wuzzleburg Ended (2025)

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I’m deciding to rewrite this story due to the amount of cliches in it and the fact that pastas relating to “Final Hours” are blacklisted, I’ll be changing some things up in the story itself. Hope you guys enjoy or whatever-


It was yet another boring day of me working at Nickelodeon Studios, sorting out all the DVDs and other things.

However while searching, a disc inside of a CD case was on top of a DVD of Dora the Explorer. I got the disc out curiously and took a good look at it. The disc in question was just a blank disc with the words written “WOW WOW WUBBZY” in a black sharpie.

I would test the disc by putting it inside of the laptop I had to test with in the room. It would take a while for the disc to boot up, but it eventually did and I clicked on the file.

Once clicked, the bootlegged disc soon opened with the Bolder Media & Starz logos in a black background before showing the 2010 Nickelodeon logo, things were however different. The lettering was a bit darkish while it was caught in flames as each letter popped out. And the background was pitch black instead of the usual white.

2010 Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Final Episode - The Day Wuzzleburg Ended (1)

After the initial five seconds, without warning, what looked like a ballistic missile quickly hit the surface where the logo stood, still in flames. Once the impact hit, it exploded, destroying the scenery around it.

After that frightening logo, it showed the FBI warning screen before a warning message came up.

2010 Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Final Episode - The Day Wuzzleburg Ended (2)

“The following episode pertains to the series finale episode of Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!, will have references to apocalyptic movies that contain mature themes such as death, violence and unsettling scenes. The episode was made with the help of MTV & Paramount as it was initially made for the show’s finale. However Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., and Noggin have banned the episode from their episode schedule lineup due to what was said earlier. Watch at your own risk.”

Following the warning message was the intro, but things were different.

  1. Wubbzy’s alarm clock had dust on it and only rang one beeping tone.
  2. Wubbzy sliding down his slide was rusted.
  3. The background’s colors were in mixed or bright lavender orange and yellow.
  4. Once Wubbzy’s Kickety Kick Ball was kicked, it got deflated and Wubbzy looked at the screen with a confused expression.
  5. Widget fixing the structure building was rusted and was on the verge of collapsing.
  6. The show’s logo had its background black, as the logo was rusted and covered in cracks. The Nickelodeon logo from 2009 was bright red and was melting. Wubbzy and his friends all had worried/confused expressions as Wubbzy said “Wow!” in a worried tone.

After the intro it showed the title card, with Wubbzy standing on what seemed to be the rubble of a destroyed building, as fire was seen around him. The title card was written out as “The Day Wuzzleburg Ended”, without Wubbzy reading out the title card. And the happy-go-lucky music in the background was instead an edited shortened track of the opening sequence of the 1996 film, “The Island of Dr. Morneau”.

The episode marked it's beginning with a shot of the WubbClub, where a picnic was being set up by Wubbzy and his friends. The shot fades into Wubbzy heading inside the house where he looked at the camera and said “Wow wow everyone! My friends and I are setting up a picnic for lunch today! It’s gonna be a great time with all my friends eating outside!” Widget then enters and says “You said it buddy! We’re just gonna get some doodle-berries at the moment.”

“Actually I can check them myself!” Wubbzy responded as he went inside the Wubbclub and headed towards the kitchen where he was looking for the doodle-berries. After a while of him searching, he realized that he couldn’t find them anywhere. Until he realized that he forgot to check the fridge, where the doodle-berries sat inside. He checked inside and noticed that the berries were nowhere to be seen.

“Oh darn! No berries left… I must tell the others about this!” said Wubbzy as he ran off to bear the news with his friends.

“Guys! Guys! I checked in the fridge and to my surprise, no doodle-berries!!” Wubbzy explained.

His friends all gasped, except Walden as he said “Fear not everyone! We have the supermarket right ahead of the first block.” Hearing this they all sighed in relief (including Wubbzy).

They all headed for the supermarket where they would buy their berries. Wubbzy was seen collecting a huge amount of doodle-berries into a basket, followed by his friends as well.

“Well everyone, we’ve got what we needed, so let’s head back and enjoy some delicious lunch outside!” Widget said as they all headed back into the Wubbclub, as the scene faded into the outsidery of the club, where they were seen setting up the rest of the picnic with their berries.

As soon as they were about to eat, a newspaper landed onto Wubbzy’s face as he took it out and read it along with the others. The newspaper in question was a mysterious event happening in the place of Wuzzleburg without warning sometime today.

Wubbzy and his friends were confused at first, but shrugged it off as they all began enjoying their picnic and eating. A while later is where things started to get unsettling. At first Wubbzy, while eating his doodle-berries hears a faint siren noise. The rest soon start to hear it as suddenly, an alarm went off on Widget’s gadget, saying that an unknown apocalyptic event is happening and therefore must seek shelter before it’s too late.

Suddenly they hear screaming afar from the club, as the sky slowly starts fading into a lavender red like color and the sun slowly forming into a dark moon. Wubbzy and his friends knew that the apocalypse was drawing near, so they started running off to safety.

It showed a scene where people were panicking and running around screaming. Cars were also seen rolling at high speed, either evacuating the city or heading for shelter as sirens were heard. Wubbzy and his friends were seen running along the streets for shelter as dramatic minor toned music was playing in the background.

“But Walden, what about the doodle-berries and our PICNIC?!” Wubbzy worriedly asked.


“Oh alright then..” Wubbzy sighed.

It then showed clips of the streets where chaos erupted. People getting stuff out from stores, cars running over pedestrians and crashing into buildings. Fire breaking out throughout the city, and riots ravaging around about.

It cuts back to Wubbzy and his friends running until they found what seemed to be a public shelter, where everyone was running off to.

“Hey look! A public shelter! We’re saved!” Wubbzy pointed out.

“C’mon everyone! Let’s go!” Widget said as they all ran off to shelter.

Inside the shelter was crowded, but plenty full of room if you were to ask me.

Outside of the shelter were people desperately trying to seek shelter but were either trampled or killed by bystanders who were gangsters or rioters. Another scene showed rioters robbing and vandalizing stores before suddenly one comes up wearing an all black suit and throwing a fully lit firecracker into the store before it blows up, killing and injuring the people inside.

It cuts to a scene of Earl, Huggy, and Buggy watching television at their house, until an emergency alert system interrupted the broadcast and said some disturbing hints of the end of the world.

“Oh no!! We’re doomed!!” Buggy yelled as it cut to the front of the television as the EAS screen was displayed, showing the statue of liberty sign and text above it saying “WUZZLEBURG HAS FALLEN”.

“Come on! There’s no time left, we HAVE to seek shelter, FAST!!” Said Huggy.

Buggy was about to let out a short scream but Earl covered his mouth while saying “Buggy! Panicking will worsen the current situation!”

“Whatever the case is, let’s race to shelter as time progresses!” Huggy exclaimed. They all would run their legs to the local shelter.

Meanwhile Kooky Kid was riding his bicycle at full speed while chugging down an energy drink. As he found the local shelter, he hopped off his bike and ran of screaming “KOOOKYYY!!!”

Back at the shelter, Wubbzy and his friends were patiently waiting for the end to come, while Daisy was shivering out of fear.

“G-Guys, I’m q-quite scared right no-ow…” Daisy whimpered.

“Don’t worry Daisy, we’re gonna be fine, as long as we stay in here.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a car sped up and crashed into the shelter, causing his car to catch fire. Luckily he got out safely and headed inside.

“Well THAT startled me for a sec.” Wubbzy said.

It cuts to the residents inside of a bus heading towards shelter. One resident claimed that he was scared to death and that they’ll all die, while another one says that worrying isn’t the case and they’ll all survive as long as they follow orders.

Back inside the shelter showed the residents running inside the shelter.

“Look! More people are coming, and I see Birdy Bird and his little baby birds!” Exclaimed Wubbzy.

Everyone wowed in awe as more people arrived into the shelter.

It cuts to Wubbzy eagerly greeting Birdy Bird. “Birdy you're here!” Wubbzy said.

“My relatives! You’re here too!” Earl exclaimed, hugging them.

“And the Easter Bunny is here too!” Widget explained.

“Birdy Bird also brought his female counterpart as well!” Said Daisy, pointing out.

“Now we can all find a spot to be safe!” Said Wubbzy.

The scene cuts to Captain Wonderpants, who was alerted of what was going on, looked up into the sky and said “Well… I guess this is it… Since Wuzzleburg is ending, I guess I’ll be retiring… Well, time to hit shelter duty!” He then flew off in a flash to seek shelter before disaster struck.

20 minutes passes where riots are still looting and firing at civilians trying to seek shelter, until out of nowhere an earthquake struck and made all of the residents panic and fled away, seeking out refugees set up out on the streets.

People were screaming as buildings collapsed and debris fell onto the residents, killing and injuring them.

Up in the sky a plane was on a soar with the Wubb-Girls inside. The plane marked its landing with them running out the shelter and heading inside the shelter as quickly as possible.

It cuts back to the shelter where the Wubb-Girls had arrived on time.

“Look! There’s the Wubb-Girls!” Said Wubbzy as everyone cheered.

Suddenly another crash hit the shelter, this time inside. Luckily no one was injured though.

“Are you okay Wubbzy?!” One of the Wubb-Girls asked.

“Don’t worry girls, I'm alright.” Said Wubbzy.

“Uh guys? You all might wanna see this…” Said Kooky, who was pointing to the clock in the room that read out 9:57pm. Everyone in the room gasped in disbelief and horror. This made Wubbzy say “Oh no..” which then everyone in the room started screaming and running around in circles, thinking that the end will be near and they’ll all die a horrible slow and painful death.


“CALM DOWN CHEF FRITZ!!” We all won’t die here as long as we follow orders and be safe.” Wubbzy explained.

Just then the announcer came on followed by a short and loud beep and he spoke with a panicked voice and said “ATTENTION ALL CITIZENS OF WUZZLEBRUG! APOCALYPTIC SCENARIO WILL STRIKE IN LESS THAN 25 SECONDS. I ASK YOU ALL TO BRACE FOR IMPACT. REPEAT APOCALYPTIC SCENARIO WILL HAPPEN IN LESS THAN 25 SECONDS, BRACE FOR IMPACT!!” Everyone gasped in horror as it zoomed into Wubbzy and his friends yelling “WHAT?!” Followed by him again saying “Yep, called it.”

A scene of a 20 second countdown began, but in every second showed scenes and clips that gradually grew disturbing and frightening.

  • “20!”: The supermarket, now covered in vandalism and destruction by the earthquake.
  • “19!”: The streets of the town as cars were crashing into each other.
  • “18!”: A resident having an anxiety attack.
  • “17!”: “Well guys…” Wubbzy spoke, “I guess this is it…”
  • “16!”: “I’M A MAN AND I WON’T LET MY LIFE DIE OUT!!” Kooky Kid yelled.
  • “15!”: The glowflies watching the sky in awe.
  • “14!”: The TV screen from earlier.
  • “13!”: “Well Wubb-Girls, we might be standing here for the final time…”
  • “12!”: Birdy Bird, his female counterpart, and his baby birds panicking all together.
  • “11!”: A resident breaks into the shelter yelling “I HAVE A BOMB!!”
  • “10!”: Fleegle bracing for impact.
  • “9!”: Earl and his relatives, along with his friends Huggy and Buggy hugging each other.
  • “8!”: A citizen also breaking into the shelter and yelling out “HANDS UP WE’RE GONNA EXPLODE!!”
  • “7!”: Walden seemingly driving himself to complete insanity.
  • “6!”: Wubbzy running around in circles screaming.
  • “5!”: A resident outside of the shelter, now locked up, was lying dead on the floor with a revolver in his hand.
  • “4!”: Buildings engulfed in flames as they collapsed to the ground.
  • “3!”: A resident having a full on seizure.
  • “2!”: Captain Wonderpants shutting his eyes tightly.
  • “1!”: The Wubbclub, where the party still stood, about to be wiped away by the incoming wave of apocalypse.

Soon enough disaster struck, as another earthquake occurred. This time much stronger and deadly that those out there were killed in an instant. A big gamma ray burst suddenly struck the entirety of Earth, causing a huge explosion towards all of Wuzzleburg and beyond its regicnition, Wuzzleburg was no more. As all of this happened, a dramatic orchestral version of the Perfect Day song but in E minor.

Back on Earth it showed clips of the inside of the Wubbclub getting burned and everything getting destroyed by the gamma ray burst.

It cuts to the characters outside of shelter getting burned alive and blasted on the streets.

Then it cuts back to the shelter where there was smoke and sparks of flames flying around.

“DEAR GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING?!” Walden panicked.

“DON’T YA KNOW?! THE END HAS COME!!” Widget panicked.

“NO!! THIS CANNOT HAPPEN!!” Daizy screamed.

“HELP US!! WE’RE GOING DOWN!!!!” Wubbzy yelled.

Everyone then screamed in total fear as they were being thrown around the shelter, before Wubbzy was taken out by a wall he was thrown against. The scene was quickly shuttered to black, before showing a bright soutile of Wubbzy, Widget, Walden, and Daizy.

“Wubbzy wake up…” Said the voice of Bob Boyle.

“Ughh.. W-Who is it?” Wubbzy tiredly asked.

“I’m your creator, Bob Boyle.” He spoke.

“B-Bob..Boy-yle?” Walden tiredly asked.

“Look I just want to ask you four if the series can go on or not.” Bob Boyle asked.

“What was that?” Daizy asked.

“Nevermind that, it’s already over…” Bob Boyle spoke.

The image faded to white before fading back to the aftermath, which was approximately 6 months later. Everyone in the bunker was slowly waking up from the aftermath.

They then would scavenge around the city only to find Wuzzleburg completely burned out and destroyed.

“Oh..” Wubbzy muttered.

“W-What happened to Wuzzleburg?” Daizy worriedly asked.

“Everyone, look! The Wubbclub!!” Walden pointed out.

Everyone all ran towards the club, where it was wiped away from the burst, and the party club was nowhere to be seen too.

“Wh-What happened to Wubbclub?!” Wubbzy gasped.

“I’m sorry to say Wubbzy, but your club has been caught in the gaze of the burst and cannot be reparable…” One of the firefighters explained.

“No… Anything but the club!” Wubbzy cried.

Widget, Walden, and Daizy came up to Wubbzy to calm him down from becoming upset.

“Well… That wasn’t supposed to happen.” Widget said.

“Face it, it’s over. We’re too late.” Huggy sadly exclaimed.

“Why?!?” Buggy cried.

The episode closed with a shot of Wubbzy, his friends, and the residents all feeling down before panning up to the sky and cutting to a message saying “Thanks for Watching. 2006-2010”

The closing credits showed instead of playing a song. However the backgrounds were in shades of lavender red and orange, and were rusted. And the instrumental theme of the intro was replaced with an ambient noise of the ruins.

The closing logos were shown after the credits, but however different.

Starting off with the Bolder Media logo, it looked all abandoned with dust and debris around and the logo was all grayscale.

Next for some awkward reason showed the Frederator Incorporated logo, but the ending scared the shit out of me. At the end, the logo sifted into a dark reddish color with blood splatters all over the screen as the font was horror like. This was all accompanied by a loud inhuman scream along with a sudden crashing noise.

Then came the Flim Roman logo, which was dark tinted with the text melting and rusted, and the background was dark red.

The Starz logo was completely demolished and was tinted lavender red and orange.

The Paramount Television Animation logo was in the style as in the Ethelbert and the Red Mist episode.

Finally the Nickelodeon logo was the last logo to be shown, but it was completely grayscaled, and the logo looked like it was burnt down by fire. The logo was all accompanied by the noedolekciN Jager horror jingle, but the jingle was reversed and applied with a deep and demonic effect into it.

The episode “ended” with a few seconds of a black screen, before emitting static and showing a clip of the episode “Perfecto Party” where Wubbzy was screaming before Walden crashing out the party, but somehow the screen zoomed in the face of Wubbzy before suddenly glitching and displayed the most terrifying thing in existence.

Wubbzy now had his skin melting and his eyes and mouth were huge and all hollow along with him having no nose in a hellish and firey background. I could also hear loud screaming from the suicidemouse.avi video combined with both the jumpscare sound from the Happy Mouse game and the Siberian hell sounds. The screamers scared me to death, so much that I flew out of my chair in fright.

After that frightening experience the episode actually ended with a copyright date beneath the “Distributed by Paramount & MTV” and the “Made by Bob Boyle” text beneath the Paramount and MTV logos.

The DVD closed with a gif of Wubbzy and his friends dancing. I couldn’t bear watching so I exited out of the file and deleted it afterwards. I then made my way home since it was getting dark outside.

Since then I couldn’t sleep for the night because of the episode I saw.

I don’t know what else to do.

2010 Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Final Episode - The Day Wuzzleburg Ended (2025)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.